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Latest news from Mulgoa

Last Saturday our temperature reached 48C in the shade. We had fires within 15km, and they were being fanned by a strong wind, so we decided to leave the area for a couple of days. Our son has a house in Marrickville, an inner-west suburb of Sydney, and we were welcome there. Overnight the winds increased, but luckily changed their direction. We returned on Sunday to a sun-parched garden, some black embers on the ground, but luckily, a home!

I can't imagine what the hundreds of people who have lost homes, and the 23 families who have lost loved ones, must be going through. And then, there are the animals which I try not to think about.

We are only half way through summer, so this threat will continue until rain comes. Which is the main reason our fires are so bad – we are in drought. We've had no rain for months. Many farmers have had to downsize their stock, and cease growing crops.

These fires are insult added to injury!

This image shows the fires that are active, and the dark green shows area already burnt. The little binoculars show where our house is. This was two days ago. Today it looks the same, but with more fires around the Sydney area.

Fires are currently burning all over Australia, not just near me.

We all use the app called "Fires Near Me" which gives you a map of fires burning, and if they are a threat to you.

In the meantime, we'll continue to be watchful, and I'll continue to make videos!

Thank you



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